“Imagery Rescripting for Childhood Trauma and PTSD"

Presenter- Chris Hayes, Clinical Psychologist

Date/ Time- August 6 2020, 9am to 4.45pm

Please note- This will now be a online training (in addition to the live training, registrants will also receive access to extensive prerecorded online material)

Price- $250

Imagery re-scripting is a key aspect of schema therapy and a powerful experiential tool for change. Furthermore, research over the last 4 years has focused how Imagery Rescripting can be utilized as a standalone treatment for childhood trauma and related PTSD (Arntz, 2013, de Haan et al 2018).

This workshop will focus specifically on how therapists can become skilled in developing strong corrective emotional experiences via Imagery Rescripting, The training will focus on Arnoud Arntz imagery rescripting protocols and discuss recent research findings in the treatment of childhood related post-traumatic stress and associated chronic mental health problems.

In addition, the workshop will discuss ways to enhance imagery rescripting skills within a schema therapy context. Topics covered include; providing a rationale, therapeutic underpinnings of imagery rescripting, the practice of imagery rescripting for childhood related trauma, ways to improve imagery rescripting in treatment, ways to bypass avoidance and “roadblocks” to effective change. The workshop will allow attendees to observe and practice skills.

Workshop objectives

- To assist attendees develop a rationale and therapeutic underpinning of imagery re-scripting

- To introduce imagery re-scripting skills for childhood related trauma

- Provide ways to improve imagery rescripting skills

- Troubleshooting commonly experienced difficulties in imagery work

-Enhancing clinician’s skills in overcoming avoidance and blocks to change.

This workshop will focus on imagery rescripting as stand alone treatment, no experience in Schema Therapy Is required for this workshop. The workshop will primarily focus on using the intervention with adults (and adolescent clients).

About the Presenter

Chris Hayes 

Clinical Psychologist BSc (Hons) MPsych (Clinical)


Chris has had extensive experience in both government and private settings working with clients with complex psychological presentations. Chris now shares his time working as a Clinical Psychologist, at both public and private settings. He is currently employed with the Health Department of Western Australia as a Senior Clinical Psychologist (within a specialist service working with those who have have experienced recent or childhood trauma). He is currently serving as Secretary of the Board for the International Society of Schema Therapy (ISST). He is currently involved in a research trail investigating Imagery Rescripting as a stand alone treatment for Childhood Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.