Schema Therapy- Workshop 1: The Model, Methods & Techniques
Date- June 25, 26 and 27 2024
Presenter - Dr Andrew Phipps, Clinical Psychologist, Accredited Advanced Schema Therapist, Supervisor and Trainer
Price including 10 hours of additional video material to watch post training
Venue- Newcastle Cruising Yacht Club, Newcastle
This workshop will help attendees gain a thorough understanding of the Schema Therapy model and provide an extensive platform for learning new skills and techniques used in Schema Therapy. The workshop will address both the schema and mode models. The training is skills based, with multiple opportunities to learn complex techniques for working with difficult-to-treat clinical populations. The training will centre around Borderline Personality Disorder, complex trauma and treatment resistant presentations and treatment.
If you have attended 1 or 2 day workshops in the past, this workshop will still provide you with a good platform for learning and practicing skills, as well as direct coaching of skills therapists often feel less confident in applying.
We aim to have 1 presenter for every 18-20 attendees, allowing participants to have optimum coaching, observation and adequate supervision of skills- places are limited.
About the Presenter
Dr Andrew Phipps, Clinical Psychologist,
Accredited Advanced Schema Therapist, Supervisor and Trainer
Andrew has extensive experience in clinical practice, supervision and teaching. He holds an academic position within the Western Sydney University Clinical Psychology Training Program. He also runs his own private practice in the Inner-West of Sydney. Previous to this, he spent over 15-years in public mental-health settings. His former position was as Senior Clinical Psychologist within the mental health service in South Western Sydney, where his main role was to provide and develop psychological therapy services to clients with chronic and complex disorders. Andrew’s main clinical interests include the application of Schema Therapy to people with personality disorders, dissociative disorders, and chronic depression. Andrew is an accredited Schema Therapist, Trainer and Supervisor with the International Society for Schema Therapy (ISST).