Episode 51: The Keys to Developing Skills and Competency In Schema Therapy: A Roundtable Discussion with Tara Cutland Green
/The Keys to Developing Skills and Competency In Schema Therapy: A Roundtable Discussion with Tara Cutland Green
Deliberate Practice in Schema Therapy
Episode 50: Eating Your Schema Broccoli and Opening up the "Can of Worms"; Metaphors and Axioms in Schema Therapy Practice
/In this episode, Rob the “Mode Mystic” and Chris discuss metaphors and how these can be used and implemented in Schema therapy
Episode 49: New Developments In Schema Therapy: Research & Practice - Connect Conference 2024
/This episode is from our 2024 Connect Conference in Sydney (November 2024) with Rob Brockman presenting on New Developments in Research and Practice
Episode 48 Keeping it Real! Authenticity in Schema Therapy and the Use of AI with Dr Michiel van Vreeswijk
/In today's episode, we meet with Michiel van Vreeswijk who is a Clinical Psychologist, Advanced Schema Therapist and researcher based in Delft Netherlands. We discussed the concept of authenticity and how we can be more real within schema therapy. We also discuss the application of AI and how these can be useful within the schema therapy context, discuss recent research trends.
Episode 47: New ways to work with old voices: schema therapy, imagery rescripting and dissociation in Voice hearers
/This episode we speak with Georgie Paulik White, an associate professor clinical psychology based in Perth who specialises in the treatment of voice hearing.
Here’s some papers of Georgie’s work:
Strachan, L. P., Paulik, G., Roberts, L., & McEvoy, P. M. (2023). Voice hearers' explanations of trauma-related voices and processes of change throughout imagery rescripting: A qualitative exploration. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 96, 982–998. https://doi.org/10.1111/papt.12491
Paulik, G., Maloney, G., Arntz, A., Bachrach, N., Koppeschaar, A., & McEvoy, P. (2021). Delivering Imagery Rescripting Via Telehealth: Clinical Concerns, Benefits, and Recommendations. Current Psychiatry Reports, 23(5):24. Http://doi.org/10.1007/s11920-021-01238-8
Paulik, G., Newman-Taylor, K., Steel, C., Arntz, A. (2020). Managing dissociation in imagery rescripting for voice hearers with trauma: Lessons from a case series. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cbpra.2020.06.009
Paulik, G., Steel, C., & Arntz, A. (2019). Imagery rescripting for the treatment of trauma in voice hearers: A case series. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 1-7. Http://doi.org/10.1017/S1352465819000237
Episode 46: Schema Therapy Radio Show: With Wendy Behary, Rob Brockman and Chris Hayes
/in this episode Wendy Behary, Rob Brockman and Chris Hayes provide a schema therapy Q&A session (this is part of our online training The Schema Therapy Solution: www.schematherapysolution.com)
Episode 45: Fresh Learnings For 2024
/In this episode, we reflect on our fresh learnings of 2024. Looking at novel mode dialogue angles, voice hearing and Schema Therapy, tweaks to empathic confrontation, and somatic resourcing options in schema therapy
Episode 44: Neuro Diversity Affirming Approaches in Schema Therapy Practice
/In this episode we are joined with Alyssa Garret, Clinical Psychologist from Perth, Australia. We discuss how schema therapists can be more neurodiversity affirming in their practice.
Stand Attuned NeuroDiversity Affirming Model - https://learn.standattuned.au
Episode 43: That’s Intense! An Innovative Schema Therapy Approach with Dr Julia Andre
/In this episode we speak with Dr Julia Andre, a Clinical Psychologist based in Bali Indonesia. We discussed intensive intensive approaches in using Schema Therapy in treating childhood trauma.
Episode 42: Pseudo Vulnerability in Schema Therapy. When is Vulnerability Not Really the Real Deal?
In this episode we discuss with Dr Susan Simpson the concept of pseudo vulnerability. Ever had clients present tearful and vulnerable but something didn’t feel right? Then this episode is for you- could it be a pseudo vulnerable coping mode?
Episode 41 - Punchy Pod - How do we Promote Connection Among the Chronically Disconnected?
/In this shorter “punchy” podcast Rob and Chris look at ways therapists can proactively look to improve client connection with others
Episode 40: What's With the New Modes- Part 1: 10 New Overcompensation Mode Variants for Your Practice!
/Edwards (2022) Using Schema Modes for Case Conceptualization in Schema Therapy: An Applied Clinical Approach
Episode 39: Are you good at Experiental Work? 4 Tips to Improve Your Practice!
/In this episode, Rob and Chris look at experiential techniques and discuss ways to get more confident in working with Imagery and Chairwork in Schema Therapy
Episode 38: Dr Happy and the Happy Child Mode
/In this episode we speak with Dr Andrew Phipps about his specific interest - the happy child mode! What is it? why do we need it? How we as therapist can help clients and ourselves enter the “Play State”
EMDR and Schema Therapy; a Power Couple? Schema, Trauma and PTSD with Dr Sarah Dominguez
/In today’s episode Rob speaks with Dr Sarah Dominguez (accredited EMDR consultant) in how EMDR can be integrated with Schema Therapy approaches - are they the “Power Couple?”
Sarah’s Website - www.thewattlecentre.com/about-wattle-centre
Episode 36: Time Pressure! Schema Therapy in a Time Limited Context: Efficiency In Treatment and "Getting There" with Clients
/In this episode, we look at time pressures and how we can use the ST model when we have a limit in our timeframe when working with clients.
Resources - 7 Minute Schemas - https://www.youtube.com/@schematherapyinstituteaust/videos
Episode 35: Sexual Healing: A Schema Therapy Approach to Sexual Difficulties, Sexuality and Gender Idenity.
/In this Episode we discuss Schema Therapy Approach to Sexual Difficulties, Sexuality and Gender Identity with Dr Offer Maurer
For More information regarding the ISST special interest group in this area visit: https://schematherapysociety.org/Sexuality-and-Gender-Special-Interest-Group