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Workshop- Schema Therapy- “Beyond the Basics”
Venue: The Griffin Centre Canberra
Date- October 29, 30 and 31 2024
$849.00 (inclusive of GST), includes 10 hours of additional on demand video material to use post training
Presenter - Dr Robert Brockman, Clinical Psychologist, Accredited Advanced Schema Therapist, Supervisor and Trainer
This workshop will assist those with some background in Schema Therapy in developing and fine-tuning their skills. The workshop will also specifically look at the implementation of treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) as well as Narcissism. Participants will have extensive opportunity to practice experiential exercises such as imagery and chair-work. In addition, time will be allocated to commonly experienced difficulties such as working with the detached protector and parent modes.
We aim to have 1 presenter for every 18-20 attendees, allowing participants to have optimum coaching, observation and adequate supervision of skills- places are limited.
Presenter Bio
Robert has extensive experience teaching and supervising on clinical psychology masters programs in Sydney since 2010. His clinical experience is drawn from both public (e.g. Hospitals, community mental health) and private health sector positions (e.g. private practice) in Sydney. Robert is accredited by the International Society for Schema Therapy (ISST) as a schema therapist, supervisor, and trainer. Robert currently holds a research fellowship with Australian Catholic University (ACU) where he researches psychological approaches to well-being. He has a major clinical and research interest in formulation and intervention with complex presentations that prove difficult to treat via standard evidence-based protocols. He is currently engaged in clinical research focusing on extending the schema model into novel populations (e.g. GAD, Eating Disorders, HIV Sufferers, Problem Gamblers, Forensic Patients, and Psychosis).
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