“Schema Therapy for Eating Disorders" 2-Day Workshop


Date: June 28th, 29th, 2019 

Location: Melbourne, Australia

Trainer- Susan Simpson, Advanced Schema Therapy Trainer, Clinical Psychologist.

CPD- 12 hours of active CPD

Cost- Early bird rate (if booked/paid by 31/3/19) $475, then $500.

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For a more detailed information sheet describing the workshop content- click here

Schema therapy is a transdiagnostic treatment model that is ideally suited to working with eating disorder symptoms alongside rigidly held belief systems, characterological traits, affective instability, and other comorbidities. The Schema Therapy model has robust evidence in the treatment of a range of longstanding and deep-seated psychological problems, with preliminary evidence indicating promising results in the treatment of eating disorders. 

This is a two-day interactive workshop which will cover fundamental concepts and techniques of schema theory and therapy (ST) including the assessment of schemas and modes specific to eating disorders, as well as core experiential, interpersonal, cognitive and behavioural change techniques. Participants will be shown how to conceptualise eating disorders in the context of wider comorbidities, and to utilize powerful techniques to challenge self-criticism and eating symptoms. Participants will learn ways they can help clients to build a healthy compassionate self to replace the ‘survival’ modes that drive eating disordered behaviours.

The workshop will provide participants with practical experience and guidance in the use of imagery, chair work and other techniques for change. Videos and live demonstrations will be used to illustrate experiential change techniques. Participants will receive handouts that they can use in their clinical work.

Learning objectives and outcomes

1.     Learn the basic principles and techniques of schema therapy and how to apply these with complex ED presentations using a schema mode conceptualisation.

2.     Opportunity to practice all core ST techniques as applied to both anorexia nervosa and complex bulimia including: imagery rescripting, chair work, empathic confrontation and using the therapy relationship as a template for change (limited re-parenting). Video clips live role play demonstrations, and direct coaching with participants will facilitate learning of techniques.

3.     Procedural learning will be facilitated via eating disorders case discussions based on the application of the schema therapy model across eating disorder diagnostic groups and in the context of a range of comorbidities and complexities.

About the presenter:
Dr Susan Simpson is a Clinical Psychologist who works with patients with severe and complex eating disorders in an inpatient eating disorders unit in Scotland. Susan has 20 years of experience using Schema Therapy with complex eating disorders. She is co-author/editor for the forthcoming clinician’s guide “Schema Therapy for Eating Disorders”, which due to be published by Routledge in 2019. She has published several book chapters and journal articles on schema therapy, with a particular focus on the eating disorder population. She is currently part of a research group investigating the effectiveness of group schema therapy for eating disorders. In addition, she has presented at national and international eating disorders conferences and has provided several workshops on Schema Therapy for Eating Disorders across Australia and the UK. A full list of her publications can be found at https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Susan_Simpson/publications