Schema Therapy- “Beyond the Basics”

Date- May 26/27/28 2022 (Please note date change)

Presenter - Dr Andrew Phipps, Clinical Psychologist, Accredited Advanced Schema Therapist, Supervisor and Trainer 


Venue- Travellodge Newcastle, 12 Steel St, Newcastle NSW 2302

Price - $799 (including 10 hours of additional video material to watch post training)

This workshop will assist those with some background in Schema Therapy in developing and fine-tuning their skills. The workshop will also specifically look at the implementation of treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) as well as Narcissism. Participants will have extensive opportunity to practice experiential exercises such as imagery and chair-work. In addition, time will be allocated to commonly experienced difficulties such as working with the detached protector and parent modes.

There will be 8 hours of role- play dyadic work and 13 hours of didactic work.

Day One •Theory and conceptual model and Schema Therapy reviewed •Schema Modes Defined•Schema Therapy Cognitive Techniques for change •Schema Mode Borderline Personality Formulation •Specific methods to bypass Detached Protector •Use of Historical Role Play (experiential technique)

Day 2 and 3 Fine Tuning and Specialist Skills •Overcompensation Modes •Use of chair work exercise in mode work •Limited Re-parenting- review and fine tuning •Limited Re-parenting- fine tuning attunement Imagery Rescripting- window of tolerance •Imagery Rescripting- working with different antagonists and troubleshooting •Working with angry child mode •Narcissistic Personality Disorder •Empathic Confrontation •Therapist’s own schemas - Reflection •Schema Therapy Competency Scale •Breaking through common therapeutic impasses