“Schema Therapy - Beyond the Basics" - 3 Days
June 28/29/30 2021
Presenter- Dr Robert Brockman, Clinical Psychologist, Accredited Schema Therapist
Cost- $749 (including lunch and refreshments)
Venue- University of Technology Sydney (UTS) - Aerial Function Centre
Continuing Professional Development- 21 hours of active CPD
Day 1, Day 2- 9am- 5pm, Day 3- 9am- 4.20pm
Click here for a detailed information sheet regarding the workshop
This workshop will assist those with some background in Schema Therapy in developing and fine-tuning their skills. The workshop will also specifically look at the implementation of treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) as well as Narcissism. Participants will have extensive opportunity to practice experiential exercises such as imagery and chair-work. In addition, time will be allocated to commonly experienced difficulties such as working with the detached protector and parent modes.
Methods to register and pay
2) To register and pay via cheque,via electronic bank transfer, or for an invoice to be issued to your workplace please email- admin@schematherapysydney.com.au